Looking to come off the pill?

You're in the right place! This guide is jam-packed with all the information you need to safely transition off the hormonal birth control pill and save your skin in the meantime.

Worried about your acne exploding after you come off the pill?

You're not alone. Over my 6+ years treating acne, hormonal birth control remains the number one cause of acne that I've seen. It may help to treat skin in the short term but eventually, you'll want to go off and when you do more often than not the acne comes back, stronger.

That's what happened to me and that is what has happened to hundreds of my clients.

Whether you're looking for glowing skin or not, properly preparing your body before transitioning off the pill is crucial. So I built this guide for everyone who is looking to finally take control of their healthcare journey.

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Clear skin without the pill is possible.

All of these women used to rely on the birth control pill to keep them clear and were so scared to come off because of what it may do their skin. But they put their trust in the Get Glow Method and were able to prepare their body properly for the transition, and stay clear for good.

It is possible to live free of harsh medications, balance your hormones, and clear your skin naturally.

And this guide is the first step to acheving that freedom!